Separately Managed Accounts

Your shortcut to strategic stock investing

Invest in curated collections of individual stocks. Skip the endless research hours and discover companies perfectly aligned with your portfolio goals—all with professional management and no hidden fees.

Strategic collections to elevate your portfolio

Our stock collections are designed by our portfolio management team around key business fundamentals and opportunities. We help you choose from Matco-built collections that align with your long-term financial goals.

20-25 companies
Focused U.S. equity

Leading companies positioned for long-term growth across key sectors of the U.S. market.

25-30 companies
High-yield Canadian equity

Tax-efficient income from Canadian companies with dividend yields of at least 4.00% for steady cash flow.

25-30 holdings
Global equities

A strategic blend of North American stocks and international equity ETFs capturing worldwide market growth opportunities in a single portfolio.

Smart investing, simplified

Discover beyond the obvious

Companies already on your radar
Unique picks not on the mainstream radar
Stocks that fit seamlessly with what you own
Woman looking out to her future
Woman looking out to her future

Professional due diligence, built in

100+ high-quality stocks selected by our portfolio management team
Insights on each holding's financials
Advice on how each selection enhances your portfolio

Invest in multiple stocks

Simply decide your investment amount—we handle the allocation across multiple securities
Professional rebalancing keeps your strategy on track
More time enjoying life, less time managing investments
Woman looking out to her future

Exploring more ways to grow your wealth?

There's no perfect time to start investing

So what are you waiting for, book a judgement free consultation.

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